A Simple Hello and a Smile
One day travelling, my husband and I did the usual stop at a convenience store to get our drinks and snacks before we headed out on our road trip.
There was a man and a little boy standing in front of the baked goods and the man asked the little boy which donuts he would like. The little boy pointed to a variety of donuts. You could tell the gentleman was excited to please the little boy.
I said to the little boy, “I sure like your glasses.” The man said to the little boy, tell her thank you. The little boy looked at me with an amazing smile. Then the gentleman said this little boy will be officially ours on March 26th. My wife and I are so excited and can hardly wait. We congratulated him. While we were behind them at the checkout line, I prayed for them.
I was reminded of a conversation with a friend who shared with me a few years ago how they were struggling with the new area God had placed them. They knew they were living in the area they were called to, so they began to pray asking God to show them how to love the people in their new hometown.
Before my friend would go out, she would ask God to give her eyes of love for those she would encounter, even if it was at their local Wal-Mart. She began by greeting people and smiling. She mentioned that in doing so she was growing to love the people in her area, with a heart of God.
I think that is how we change things going on in our world, by being kind and showing love to those who God places in our path.
What if we did the same as my friend? By praying to God and asking for the eyes to see like God does. We can begin by acknowledging people in front of us with a hello and a smile.
These small gestures can make a big difference.
The friend I was telling you about now courageously goes up to people and asks if she could pray for them and most people are appreciative and thankful.
I am not there yet, but I am being more intentional by saying hello and giving them a smile as I am pushing my cart down the aisles. What I have found my life is fuller and blessed. Just like the encounter my husband and I experienced with the man and his soon to be young son.
Today is the day to begin and see what God has for you. Your days could be happier and more adventurous in doing so. Don’t be shy, and give it a try. All it takes is a hello and a smile.
#smile #hello #Christian #Catholic #love #kindness #lisafaheyministry lisafahey.com