No Doom or Gloom This Lenten Season
No Doom or Gloom This Lenten SeasonThis past weekend at church, Fr. Jonathan said, "We do not have to approach Lent with doom and gloom." I am going to be honest with you, Lent is not my favorite liturgical season. As I read my friends' posts and their goals on how they will be entering into the season of Lent, I am not at all in the same place.On February 19, 1985, my first husband was killed from a horse accident, the next day was Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.During this time of my life I entered into my own Paschal Mystery1. Death2. The Tomb3. The ResurrectionThe first part of the Paschal Mystery, I had died to the life I thought I would live.The second part of the Paschal Mystery, I experienced the tomb with grief, loneliness and fear.It was during my time in the tomb that I received a card from my Great Aunt, Sister Anna Rose. She was sympathetic but also gave me marching orders so to speak, to not stay in the tomb for a long period of time.This is the note she sent to me:"My dearest Lisa, I am so sorry that your husband Shane died. Wow, you should feel good to have known a young man that God called home so soon. God must have had an important job for Shane to do in Heaven. My dearest Lisa, it is okay to be sad and to cry for a little while, but then you must get up and serve the Lord. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. All my love, Sister Anna Rose"The third part of the Paschal Mystery is the Resurrection, and through the truth and encouragement of my Great Aunt 's words, I was able to find courage to walk towards God's plans for me.A few years ago I recognized why Lent was hard for me, and I began to realize God wasn't calling me to live in gloom and doom during Lent, instead He was calling me to draw closer to Him. Therefore I choose to follow Fr. Jonathan's advice and approach this Lenten season with a mind set of joy as I pray, fast and give to those in need. The whole point of Lent is to draw closer to Jesus who has already given the ultimate sacrifice.

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