Everything you say and do should stem out of love. If at work, home, or in your community people are not performing the way you think - is it a you problem or a they problem?
It is both! As Christians, we are to look at our own hearts first and check ourselves out and our intentions.
Love is sacrificial. So what that means is you will be inconvenienced whether it is to take time to stop and help your spouse, children, family, coworkers, bosses, neighbors, churches, schools, hospitals, communities, government, etc.
If you think the people you are surrounded by should just know what to do but aren't doing it, then ask yourself why? What is your part in it? How did you drop the ball? People can't follow if the leader is not leading.
What is keeping you from helping your fellow man or woman? Would you rather see them fail or help them so they can succeed? If you don't have time to help others, this is a you problem.
Here is why? in Luke 10:27, Jesus gives us the great commands on how to love. "He answered, “Love, the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ " (Luke 10:27).
As you can see to do love like we are required to do will take strength!
I don't know about you but for me to love like this; the only way I can even begin to adequately love others is by clinging to the LORD.
Everyone is made in the image and likeness of God, by you not loving and supporting those who God put around you, you are not treating them as such.
Love is not easy, look at Jesus dying on the cross for us. He is an example.
It is time to do more listening and less talking. It is time to treat people who God has placed in front of you with dignity. It is time to be the bridge and help those He has given you to succeed. It is all about LOVE.
I feel challenged. How about you?
How about together we both give the gift of love?