Visible or Invisible
Did you know that the common form of depression and anxiety in our society is caused from being ignored by someone important in their life?
Happiness for most people depends on how they are treated by their parents, spouses, relatives, friends, boss, and co-workers.
Last week at church our teens learned about right relationships. I explained it to them it's like this: I have a basketball and I throw it to you. It may be in a form of a text, email, phone call, or in person. If you do not throw the ball back (meaning a response) that means you do not want to play ball with me. I may try again but if I get the same response, I will end up feeling ignored and not worthy of your time. This is not a right relationship.
I have witnessed the pain of watching those I care about who are ignored personally and professionally. It is heart breaking and no matter what you say, nothing can take the feeling of rejection away.
Remember you are never invisible to God, and than go tell those you love that they are not invisible to God, and that they are His beloved.
Everyone has an opportunity to cause change for the better in the world. Let's make our relationships right and play ball.