Jesus Prayed For You

Following my Morning Prayer, I grabbed a cup of coffee, and scrolled through the Newsfeed on Face Book. When I came upon a friend’s post asking this question, “Did you know that Jesus prayed for you? Go check it out in John 17.” I was curious and grabbed my Bible and read John 17. I was blown away in that Our Lord Jesus prayed for us before his arrest and crucifixion.

How did I miss this for all these years? I had heard the Scriptures so many times regarding the Last Supper, Crucifixion, and the Resurrection, but somehow I had missed the middle part on the night Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. I can tell you one thing, when my husband or family prays for me I am overwhelmed and touched by their words. So when I read John 17, I had felt the same way.

Here are some things to take away on John 17 regarding prayer and the significance of praying for one another.

  • Christ prayed for himself. He begins in John 17, by praying for himself. I must admit that I have a hard time praying for myself. I feel others have bigger needs and it wasn't right for me to ask God for my little needs. This isn't the right way to think. Prayer is about taking time to converse with God. He is God and He wants to hear your heart. So pray for yourself.
  • Christ prayed for his Apostles. Christ praised God for those who came alongside with him. We too have friends and family who journey along our side. I am so grateful for them because they encourage me to be a better woman as I strive to become righteous. In return I want to pray and encourage my friends and family in their faith life.
  • Christ prayed for His Church. He prayed for all those who believed in Him at the time and for those who were to come. That is where you come in. He was praying for you and for the church. I love this about the Word of God and how it never loses its relevance. He prayed for unity in the future and for us to participate in the life and glory of the Trinity.
  • Christ's Prayer for all. Christ prayed that the love of God would dwell in each us.

I hope you realize that you are loved. You were important enough to Jesus, that he had some last words to say to the Father on your behalf. As you read John 17, my hope is you will feel the love and embrace of our Savior Jesus Christ today!

#Scripture #Bible #Christian #Christ #John #Prayer


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