My Name

“A good name is to be more desired than great wealth.” Proverbs 22:1

I have taken an opportunity during my time at home this past year to write a Bible study for women. Throughout the writing process, I have had some agreeable women assist me by test-driving the resources I have written. I am presently using 1 John as the Scripture theme to teach women to know who they are in Christ, and how to live out an authentic life in Christ. This sounds so straightforward! However being a woman myself, I am here to tell you, it is everything but easy.

One particular day, I explained the significance of our names and eternity. Most of the women present at the study had no idea the definition of their name. I asked the women to take out their cell phones and Google the definition of their name. This moment was beautiful and inspiring to watch, as each one unpacked the definition of their name. This one simple task began the process of the women finding meaning and clarity.

The beauty of our name for the most part, points us to God’s purpose for us. Whenever, I feel insecure of God’s plan for me, I am reminded of who God says I am. I am not to linger about this life, not knowing who I am. Our name is in our Father’s book for eternity. We are dear to God and He knows each of us by name.

I am overwhelmed to think that not only does God know me – He knows my name, now and for eternity. I am significant and so are YOU!

In Scripture some of the famous characters such as Abrahm and Sari names were changed to show their God-given destiny. Their destiny names were Abraham, which means “Father of the Multitude”, and Sarah defined as “Princess”. A change of name symbolizes a new reality, a changed status before God (Saul to Paul and Simon to Peter, etc.) [1]

Here are a couple of statements about the significance of a person’s name from the Catechism and Scripture:

My mom gave birth to me at the young age of 18. My parents decided to name me after a famous musician and his baby girl. I am convinced that they had not realized the eternal significance of a name at such a young age in their lives. Even though they may have looked to the secular world for a name for me, I am sure that God pressed on their hearts to give me the name of Lisa. How do I know that you may ask? Because the name my parents gave me runs through my blood and DNA, and defines me accurately, “devoted to God.” I may not have always lived my life out reflecting, “Devoted to God”. However, as I type this blog today, I can absolutely say the name suits me.

My name is Lisa, and I am a daughter of God and yes I am very “Devoted to God!

PS I love the song by Francesca Battistelli, “He Knows My Name”

[1] Arnold, Bill T.- Encountering the Old Testament; a Christian survey/Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer

#Beauty #Glory #Scripture #Bible #Hope #Family


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